Cranberry Contest and Family Trees in Concord
Cranberry Counting Contest
Each year for 47 years the Lawrence School library has held an annual Cranberry Counting Contest. Students and staff estimate how many cranberries are in a jar. Local bookstores, The Children's Bookshop and Brookline Booksmith, donate the prizes for each of four categories (K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8 and staff). This year's winners are listed below:
K - 2: Yuen May C. in 1L
Grades 3 - 5: Lily S. in 5N
Grades 6 -8: Yuen Ler C. in 7-3
Staff: Mrs. Miller, our school nurse
Thanks to all who participated and to our local bookstores for once again supporting this annual tradition!
Family Trees at the Concord Museum
Each year The Concord Museum celebrates children's literature with a display of more than 30 trees, each decorated with a theme from a particular children's author. This year is no exception. From November 25th through January 3rd you can visit the museum and see all the trees on display. Sunday, December 6th several of the authors will be at the museum to sign their books and visit with attendees.
Here's a link to the museum's information:
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