Monday, September 10, 2007

Welcome back!

One of the most exciting times of a librarian's or a teacher's year is welcoming students and families back to school. Kids have grown, adventures have been had over the summer, and anticipation runs high. Even before the opening bell this year, students brought their summer reading logs to the library as they headed to their new classrooms. What a pleasure to see what books they enjoyed.

Over the summer, librarians and teachers have been brainstorming, on their own or with colleagues, about what new lessons and projects might be incorporated into the school year. New books have been purchased and plans made to incorporate them into library classes or sign them out to teachers or students.

Already today we have featured books on autumn, fall holidays and, of course, baseball. I have introduced kindergarteners to life in the library and shared Daniel Kirk's Library Mouse with a second grade class. In this nifty picture book, Sam (who lives in a hole behind the reference section) decides he is not only an ardent reader but a writer and he contributes his new publications to the library. Here's to a year of good reading and writing here at Lawrence School!