Library basics
Students in grades K - 3 received a long narrow bookmark in their first library book of the year. The bookmark reminds you about which day is your student's library day and gives the library hours.
In general, students may borrow 1 book at a time in Kindergarten & 1st grade, 2 books in second grade, 3 books in third grade, 4 books in fourth grade and 5 books in fifth grade. After 5th grade students generally don't need more than 5 books at a time, but I work with each student on a case-by-case basis depending on their needs. If K - 3 students come before or after school with a parent they may borrow additional books from our library. Please stop by and check out some books!
We encourage students to also use the public libraries in Brookline and Boston which have many additional resources.
Our library website provides access to online resources like online encyclopedias, databases, and e-books which can be accessed from home. Here's the link:
Please see the librarian for passwords as some resources require that you login.
Coming soon: Boston Book Festival October 23 & 24, 2015!